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File: [RizwankCVS] / geekymedia_web / viewcvs / loginfo-handler (download)
Revision: (vendor branch), Sat Feb 12 13:10:06 2005 UTC (19 years, 3 months ago) by rizwank
Branch: rizwank, MAIN
CVS Tags: start, HEAD
Changes since 1.1: +0 -0 lines
Imported source/web tree

# -*- Mode: python -*-
# Copyright (C) 2000 The ViewCVS Group. All Rights Reserved.
# By using this file, you agree to the terms and conditions set forth in
# the LICENSE.html file which can be found at the top level of the ViewCVS
# distribution or at http://www.lyra.org/viewcvs/license-1.html.
# Contact information:
#   Greg Stein, PO Box 760, Palo Alto, CA, 94302
#   gstein@lyra.org, http://www.lyra.org/viewcvs/
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# updates SQL database with new commit records
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------

# These values will be set during the installation process. During
# development, they will remain None.

LIBRARY_DIR = "/home/rizwank/geekymedia.com/viewcvs/lib"
CONF_PATHNAME = "/home/rizwank/geekymedia.com/viewcvs/viewcvs.conf"

# Adjust sys.path to include our library directory
import sys

  sys.path.insert(0, LIBRARY_DIR)
  sys.path[:0] = ['../lib']	# any other places to look?


import os
import string
import getopt
import re
import cvsdb
import rlog
import config


## pre-compiled regular expressions
_re_fileversion = re.compile("([^,]+)\,([^,]+)\,([^,]+)")

## output functions
def debug(text):
    if DEBUG_FLAG:
        print 'DEBUG(loginfo): %s' % (text)

def warning(text):
    print 'WARNING(loginfo): %s' % (text)

def error(text):
    print 'ERROR(loginfo): %s' % (text)

class FileData:
    def __init__(self, file, directory, old_version, new_version):
        self.file = file
        self.directory = directory
        self.old_version = old_version
        self.new_version = new_version

        ## set the state of this file from the
        ## old_version and new_version information
        if self.old_version == 'NONE':
            self.ctype = "added"
        elif self.new_version == 'NONE':
            self.ctype = "removed"
            self.ctype = "changed"

def CommitFromFileData(cfg, repository, file_data):
    ## construct the full path for the RCS file
    filename = os.path.join(repository, file_data.directory, file_data.file)

    ## get the 'rlog' output for just this revision, and then convert
    ## to a commit object
    rlog_data = rlog.GetRLogData(cfg, filename, file_data.new_version)
    commit_list = cvsdb.RLogDataToCommitList(repository, rlog_data)
    commit = commit_list[0]

    ## set the type of commit from the file_data setting
    if file_data.ctype == "changed":
    elif file_data.ctype == "added":
    elif file_data.ctype == "removed":
    return commit

def GetUnrecordedCommitList(repository, file_data):
    filename = os.path.join(repository, file_data.directory, file_data.file)
    return cvsdb.GetUnrecordedCommitList(repository, filename)

def ProcessLoginfo(repository, stdin_list):
    ## XXX This is a somewhat dirty hack:
    ## cvsdb already loads the configuration file and provides a cfg
    ## instance.  Pick it from there in order to be able to pass it down
    ## to rlog (see below).
    cfg = cvsdb.cfg

    ## the first line in stdin is a space-separated list; the first
    ## item in the list is the directory path being updated this run;
    ## the rest of the items are the files being updated
    list = string.split(stdin_list[0])

    ## clean up the directory the following way: we don't want it
    ## to begin with a path seperator, and we don't want it to end
    ## with a path seperator
    directory = list[0]
    while directory[0] == os.sep:
        directory = directory[1:]
    while directory[-1] == os.sep:
        directory = directory[:-1]

    ##       new directories have the first line form
    ##       path/of/dir - New directory
    if len(list) == 4:
        if list[1] == '-' and list[2] == 'New' and list[3] == 'directory':
            debug('new directory')

    ## each file in the file list _should_ be of the form:
    ## file-name,<old-ver>,<new-ver>
    ## a new file has the keyword 'NONE' for old-ver
    file_data_list = []
    for item in list[1:]:
        temp = _re_fileversion.match(item)
        if not temp:
            debug('failed match %s' % (item))

        filename = temp.group(1)
        old_version = temp.group(2)
        new_version = temp.group(3)
        file_data =  FileData(filename, directory, old_version, new_version)

    ## convert FileData objects into Commit objects so we can insert them
    ## into the database
    commit_list = []
    for file_data in file_data_list:
        ## XXX: this is nasty: in the case of a removed file, we are not
        ##      given enough information to find it in the rlog output!
        ##      So instead, we rlog everything in the removed file, and
        ##      add any commits not already in the database
        if file_data.ctype == "removed":
            temp = GetUnrecordedCommitList(repository, file_data)
            commit_list = commit_list + temp
            commit_list.append(CommitFromFileData(cfg, repository, file_data))

    ## add to the database
    db = cvsdb.ConnectDatabase()

if __name__ == '__main__':
    ## get the repository from the environment
        repository = os.environ['CVSROOT']
    except KeyError:
        error('CVSROOT not in environment')

    ## clean up the repository string: remove any trailing path seperater
    while repository[-1] == os.sep:
        repository = repository[:-1]

    ## read all the lines from stdin
    stdin_list = []
    for line in sys.stdin.readlines():

    ProcessLoginfo(repository, stdin_list)

Rizwan Kassim
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ViewCVS 0.9.2